The Kamzang Fund | Giving Back to Himalayan Regions

The Kamzang Fund | 100%

100% of your donations go to the Kamzang Fund, the Kamzang Kids, and our Kamzang Fund Projects. If you would like to donate to the Kamzang Fund in general, we put our general pool of funds towards children who have extra needs during their education (including medical assistance, clothes, or housing), villagers that we meet during our travels that require medical assistance, Himalayan nomads or other of our Kamzang Fund projects

The Kamzang Fund 

The Kamzang Fund sponsors the educations of Himalayan children that have fallen through the cracks, provides medical aid for villagers in remote Himalayan regions, aids Himalayan nomads, and assists in natural disasters such as earthquakes and pandemics. Generally our causes find us, and our trekkers, cyclists, and friends have been incredibly generous over the past two decades, providing sponsorship to over 35 children and medical cases!.

The Kamzang Kids | Education in the Himalaya

The Kamzang Fund has been sponsoring children (as well as a few adults) in the Himalaya for education and medical issues for 20 years. The Kamzang Fund presently has 4 college graduate, sponsors 5 children for higher education, 20+ children for lower or middle school education and is looking for sponsorship for many more children.

The Kamzang Kids | Looking for Sponsors

Inquire about which Himalayan children need sponsorship, what costs are involved, and the various options for sponsorship. We believe in a personalized approach to every education and sponsorship, and 100% of your donation goes towards a child’s education.

Social Projects & Medical Aid

The Kamzang Fund projects support villagers and Himalayan nomads who have ‘fallen through the cracks’ in the remote regions of the Nepal and Indian Himalaya. 100% of all donations go directly to our funds, medical cases, nomadic communities and education. We donate our time, logistics and effort, and you donate the funding; a team effort, all from the heart …

The Nomad Fund | Adopt a Goat!

A project very close to our hearts, as Kamzang Journeys has been trekking with these incredible Himalayan nomads for two decades. Our goal is to help sustain the quickly fading nomadic lifestyle of these nomads of Upper Mustang and Ladakh by helping with education and the continuation of their traditional crafts, and help in particularly difficult times such as harsh winters when nomads have lost half of their livestock …

The Kamzang Fund | News

Follow what The Kamzang Fund has been doing over the past few years …

The Kamzang Fund 

The Kamzang Kids | Education in the Himalaya

The Kamzang Kids | Looking for Sponsors

Social Projects & Medical Aid

The Nomad Fund | Adopt a Goat!

The Kamzang Fund | News

Donate – The Kamzang Fund
(Mark as ‘Gift’ or ‘Payment to Friend’ for no fees)

Check (Cheque)
Kamzang Journeys
Mail To: Kim Bannister, PO Box 1178, Rockport, ME 04856
(We are not registered as a 4013C non-profit to keep our fees at 0%, so don’t have a separate bank account. 100% of your donation goes to The Kamzang Fund.)

Transfer or Wire – Inquire for Bank Details